Social security is a lifeline for older Montanans

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It’s election season, and like clockwork, the political back-and-forth over Social Security has picked up as well.

There’s no mystery as to why: More than 250,000 Montanans – rely on their hard earned Social Security benefits to make ends meet. And this year, the future of this critical program hangs in the balance, which is why the older Montanans need to know to truth about Social Security.

For generations Social Security has been a sacred promise that Americans have counted on as part of their hard-earned retirement. In fact, 97 percent of older adults (aged 60 to 89) either receive Social Security or will receive it, according to the Social Security Administration. The benefits Social Security provides for were earned through a lifetime of hard work – and they couldn’t be more important to our families.

Social Security ensures we can put food on the table. It helps pay the bills, fill up the tank, and keep a roof over our heads. More than half of retirees in our country don’t have any retirement savings whatsoever. Social Security allows millions to retire and grow old with dignity – something that every Montanan deserves.

And it’s more than just retirement. Social Security also provides important life insurance and disability insurance protection. These critical benefits make sure our loved ones are protected should you become disabled, and give working folks peace of mind knowing they’ll be OK if something goes wrong.

The safety net Social Security offers older Montanans is undeniable. But the threat to Social Security is real. And it’s why the stakes in this year’s election are so high.

Far-right Republicans in Washington DC have no respect or understanding of how important Social Security is for Montana seniors. They denigrate it as a Ponzi scheme, and have proposed rolling back the Social Security benefits older Montanans rely on. Even worse, they want to increase the retirement age to 70, slash disability benefits, and urged cuts for future beneficiaries as well.

We need to elect leaders who understand the importance of these critical benefits, not ones like Tim Sheehy who are out to eliminate them. Dark-money groups like the billionaire Koch brothers are hellbent on eliminating this economic lifeline for working families. But make no mistake: Any cuts to Social Security would be a slap in the face to every Montanan who has spent their life contributing to the program on every paycheck they’ve ever earned.

That’s what made Sheehy’s recent misleading campaign ads so hypocritical. He claims that Senator Jon Tester is the one who would cut Social Security. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

This fall, older Montanans, retirees and current workers who hope to retire one day themselves must unite to beat back the threat to Social Security. That’s why the Montana Alliance for Retired Americans – and the thousands of union retirees we represent – are supporting Sen. Tester.

We know he takes Social Security seriously, and we know he will stand up to defend it and ensure Social Security remains fully funded for decades to come, so that every Montanan can retire with the dignity and security they’ve earned over a lifetime of work.

Jay Reardon is President of the Montana Chapter of the Alliance for Retired Americans, a grassroots advocacy organization that fights for a more secure retirement for all Montanans.